



下面是被動語態各種時態的例句:e.g. You are wanted on the phone . 有你的電話.(一般現在時) The railway was built in 1998. 這條鐵路建於1998 年.(一般過去時) A new railway is being built in this city. 這個城市正在修建一條新的鐵路.(現在進行時) The railway was being built this time last year.去年這個時候這條鐵路正在修建.(過去進行時) The new railway has already been built.新鐵路已經建成了.(現在完成時) The new railway had been built by the end of last year.這條鐵路在去年年底前已經建成了.(過去完成時) A new railway will be built in this city next year.這個城市明年將建一條新的鐵路.(一般將來時) He told us that the new railway would be built the next year.他告訴我們新鐵路將於第二年建成.(過去將來時)第二節 被動語態的各種句型1.單賓語結構. e.g. Our English teacher often uses a tape-recorder in teaching English.我們英語老師經常用錄音機教英語.(主動語態) A tape-recorder is often used (by our English teacher) in teaching English.錄音機經常用來教英語.2.雙賓語結構 這種結構可有兩種被動語態句型,即分別用間接賓語和直接賓語作主語.e.g. The villagers gave the foreign guests warm welcome.(主動語態)The foreign guests were given a warm welcome by the villagers.(被動1)A warm welcome was given to the foreign guests by the villagers.(被動2)3.複合賓語結構 這種結構只能將主動語態的賓語改作被動語態的主語. e.g. They heard someone singing in the next room.(主動) Someone was heard singing in the next room. (被動)4. 含情態動詞的被動結構 含情態動詞的句子其被動語態形式是「情態動詞+ be+過去分詞」. e.g. The trees should be watered every day. 這些樹應每天澆水. This word can be pronounced in two ways. 這個單詞可以有兩種發音.5.短語動詞結構 相當於及物動詞的短語動詞也可以有被動語態,如 look after, give up , take care of , pay attention to , make use of , put off, wake up , put out 等.e.g. The children must be taken good care of .這些孩子必須得到好的照顧.The big fire has been put out . 大火已被撲滅.特別提醒A. 只有及物動詞和及物短語動詞才可以有被動語態不及物動詞,不及物短語動詞或系動詞都不可以有被動語態,如happen, go on , take place , belong to , sound, feel等.e.g. This room belongs to me. .這房子屬於我.不可以說:This room is belonged to me .e.g. This music sounds sweet.這音樂聽起來很悅耳.不可以說:This music is sounded sweet.B.被動語態只有在強調動作的承受者或不知道動作的執行者時才使用.e.g. This sock is made of silk.這襪子是絲的.(不知道動作的執行者是誰.)English is required in many schools of our country.在我們國家許多學校要求開設英語課.(強調動作的承受者English.)C. 千萬不能按中文意思死搬硬套,如句子「你的信我已經收到了.」不能說:Your letter has been received by me .只能說:I have received your letter.D. 主動語態變爲被動語態的步驟 1.找出主動語態的賓語,作爲被動語態的主語;2.將謂語動詞有主動形式變爲被動形式;3.有無必要用 by 短語.4.注意被動語態的句式,時態必須主動語態一致.e.g. Have you found your lost book? 你找到你丟的書了嗎?(一般問句,現在完成時) Has your lost book been found?你丟的書找到沒有?(一般問句,現在完成時)E. 有些動詞常用主動形式表示被動意義,如動詞act, cook, keep , look , open , write, read, sell , wash 等,這時句子的主語通常是沒有生命的.e.g. This hall measures 100 metres long and 60 meters wide. 這個大廳長100米,寬60 米. This pen sells well in that country. 這種筆在那個國家很好銷.F. 在一些固句型中常用被動語態結構,如:It is said that … 據說……,人們說…… It is reported that … 據報導…… It is hoped that … 人們希望…… It is well known that… 衆所周知…… It is believed that…人們相信…… It must be admitted that…必須承認…… It must be pointed that…必須指出的是……

