

2024 年的願望:

1. 完成兩個頂級學術會議的演講 complete two top academic conferences presentations

2. 發表至少兩篇-三篇 SCI2-3 區的論文 publish at least two-three SCI dissertations Q2-Q3

3. 2024年 6 月開始申請 2025 年的博士,想海外為主,目标國家:澳洲新西蘭

apply for the doctor degree in 2025, the aim countries are overseas ones such as Australia and New Zealand

4. 希望可以養成堅持鍛煉的習慣,在家裡面做科研才發現學習真的是非常累的,每天可以吃很多睡很久

hope that I can develop habits of doing exercises

5. 開始創業,每天堅持寫自己做了什麼事情,寫心情記錄,希望在4 月底結束這個論文之後可以閱讀文學作品然後開始寫小說。

start my own business, I want to write a recording of what I did everyday and record my daily mood, I hope that I can start writing novels after reading literature (English and Chinese).

近 5 年的計劃

希望在最近的五年内可以在 28 歲 的9 月份完成博士學位,希望可以成為一名大學老師或者在科研機構工作,在 30 歲的時候可以攻讀東亞研究方向的博士學位,真的是很熱愛和自己有文化鍊接地域的研究。

i hope that i can get my doctor degree in my 28 years old, and the date is about 2028.September. And, in the same year, I want to be a universtity teacher or work in the academic reserach center. When I will be 30 years old, I want to get another doctor degree of Eastern Asian Studies. Maybe I really love doing research about somewhere that has culture connections with me.

希望在 25-28 歲的時候有自己的房子,每個月可以還還貸款。希望我的小說或者投稿快點掙錢,希望我可以自己給爸爸媽媽買點東西。希望在未來有個貓或者/和狗狗。

I hope that I can have my own apartment or house when I will be 25-28 years old, and I can pay debt to it every month. I really hope that my novel or articles can make money quickly, and I want to use these money to buy my parents something. I also love pets, I hope that I can have a cat or/and a dog in the future.


