下 面題目幫我解答和解釋 謝謝


下 面題目幫我解答和解釋 謝謝
(1)Mothers are always___ with their babies.( )A.soft. B.mild. C.gentle. D.sliqht. (2)He speaks___English. Even native speakers can not recognizehe is a foreigner.( ) A.authentic. B.perfect . C.good. D.true. (3) I have always been honest and straightforward,and is doesnt matter ____ I' m talking to.( )A.it is who. B.who it is. C.it is whom. D.who is it. (4) ____the cloth___ the burns or is wiu be hard for the wound to___.( ) A.Picking off; stuck to ; cure. B.Pick off ; stuck to ; heal. C. To take off ; sticking to ; heal. D. Take off ; sticking to; cure. (5) I feel highly___ the king things gou have said about me.( ) A. honoured for. B. honour for. C. honoured by. D. honour by. (6) -- Can gou help me translate this sentense? --- I' m afraid I can't. Maybe we can find its translation in the notes____ the text.( ) A. about. B. in. C. to. D. of.


(1)Mothers are always__C_ with their babies.
A.soft. B.mild. C.gentle. D.sliqht.
A 柔軟,B謙遜,C溫柔,D輕微
(2)He speaks_B__English. Even native speakers can not recognizehe is a foreigner. A.authentic. B.perfect . C.good. D.true.
A.authentic. 真實的;可信的 B.perfect 完美的;精通的. C.good.很好的 D.true.準確的
(3) I have always been honest and straightforward, and is doesnt matter _C_ I' m talking to.
A.it is who. B.who it is. C.it is whom. D.who is it.
詳talk to sb,這邊是做賓語,所以只有Cwhom.
(4) __C__the cloth___ the burns or is wiu be hard for the wound to___.
A.Picking off; stuck to ; cure. B.Pick off ; stuck to ; heal. C. To take off ; sticking to ; heal. D. Take off ; sticking to; cure.
拿下來:take off,pick off 是摘下
sticking to表示主動狀態
(5) I feel highly_C__ the king things gou have said about me.
A. honoured for. B. honour for. C. honoured by. D. honour by.
feel honored by 對..感到榮幸
(6) -- Can gou help me translate this sentense? --- I' m afraid I can't. Maybe we can find its translation in the notes__B__ the text.( ) A. about. B. in. C. to. D. of.
再問: 第二題爲什麼不能說是「講一口完美的英語呢」,是固定搭配嗎? 第五題的A選項是什麼意思啊,和C有什麼區別呢? 第三題可以幫我解釋一下語序的問題嗎,雖然我也選C,答案爲什麼是B啊?
再答: 我們說「精通英語」「一口流利的英語」,「講一口完美的英語也沒錯,就是表達不一樣而已嘛。 第五題的gou是什麼?應該是you吧,我也說不來,反正就是語感吧 第三題的話我看了一下B好像才對~~sorry,舉個例子吧it doesnot matter who you are,不管你是誰,語感語感~~

