pratise可以當名詞嗎?有practise makes perfect.
pratise可以當名詞嗎?有practise makes perfect.
In many parts of the English speaking world (UK,Ireland,Australia,Canada,and South Africa) 「practice」 is the noun,「practise」 the verb.However,in the U.S.A the spelling 「practice」 is more often used for both the noun and the verb.Contrary to popular belief a significant minority of the American population also observe the distinction.If you are not sure about what a verb or noun is,it might be safer to just use the spelling "practice",as many Americans do!
在大部分英語國家,甚至是美國(部分人),也是分別使用practise 和 practice 的.所以這裡應該是practice makes perfect.使用名詞形式.