Part 1
Unit 1
1 Finding fossil man 1
2 Spare that spider 11
3 Matterhorn man 21
4 Seeing hands 29
5 Youth 38
6 The sporting spirit 47
7 Bats 55
8 Trading standards 66
Unit 2 77
9 Royal espionage 78
10 Silicon valley 86
11 How to grow old 93
12 Banks and their customers 101
13 The search for oil 110
14 The Butterfly Effect 118
15 Secrecy in industry 128
16 The modern city 135
Unit 3 144
17 A man-made disease 145
18 Porpoises 153
19 The stuff of dreams 163
20 Snake poison 170
21 William S. Hart and the early 『Western』 film 180
22 Knowledge and progress 187
23 Bird flight 193
24 Beauty 201
Part 2 208
Unit 4 208
25 Non-auditory effects of noise 209
26 The past life of the earth 217
27 The 『Vasa』223
28 Patients and doctors 229
29 The hovercraft 237
30 Exploring the sea?floor 243
31 The sculptor speaks 251
32 Galileo reborn 257
Unit 5 263
33 Education 264
34 Adolescence 273
35 Space odyssey 281
36 The cost of government 289
37 The process of ageing 299
38 Water and the traveller 306
39 What every writer wants 312
40 Waves 320
Unit 6 325
41 Elephants 326
42 Recording an earthquake 336
43 Are there strangers in space? 341
44 Patterns of cultures 349
45 Of men and galaxies 357
46 Hobbies 363
47 The great escape 369
48 Planning a share portfolio 379
課文重點索引 386
語法索引 395
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