英語翻譯(不要用翻譯器翻譯,要自己人工翻譯的,非人工翻譯視爲廣告和搗亂騙分,發現就舉報!) i do not inten


i do not intend to follow in close detail the events of the decades after 1874 except to correct some misconceptions,to
describe one curious experience,new for him and moving,and to put in order the essential narrative.only one major objective
was left to Whitman in life after his powers began to fail,and everything he did with energy from now on had reference to
what his friend Kennedy called some what extravagantly,yet with a large kernel of truth,the fight of a book for the world.he
was not destitute,as has been often stated,not uncared for,except for a very brief period later on,never rightly an boject of
pity,unless as a man only in his fifies whose magnificent mind and body were shaken by physical disaster.a letter to Pete
Doyle describes his outer circumstances fairly enough.


I do not intend to follow in close detail the events of the decades after 1874 except to correct some misconceptions,to describe one curious experience,new for him and moving,and to put in order the essential narrative.
Only one major objective was left to Whitman in life after his powers began to fail,and everything he did with energy from now on had reference to what his friend Kennedy called somewhat extravagantly,yet with a large kernel of truth,the fight of a book for the world.
he was not destitute,as has been often stated,not uncared for,except for a very brief period later on,never rightly an object of pity,unless as a man only in his fifties whose magnificent mind and body were shaken by physical disaster.a letter to Pete Doyle describes his outer circumstances fairly enough.
他並非人們常常所說的一貧如洗和無人照料,只在之後很短的一段時間內是如此,他從來都不是被人憐憫的對象,但是他五十歲左右卻令當別論,在病魔的蠶食下,他那驚人的大腦和身體都被極大地削弱了,有封致皮特*道爾(Pete Doyle)的信比較詳細地介紹了他當時的外部狀況.

