急求漢譯英整段翻譯. 畢業論文要的,google在線翻譯太粗糙了.求高人相助. 謝謝了.
急求漢譯英整段翻譯. 畢業論文要的,google在線翻譯太粗糙了.求高人相助. 謝謝了.
Along with our country social raise the level of productivity, improve the people's material life, people enjoy material culture, while the meet brought the pace of life, not compact healthy eating and living habits, and social production automation rise, people's physical labor less and less, the opportunity also taking part in physical exercise relative shortage, not enough science. Caused the current our country most people energy shortage, low immunity, chronic disease of potential population increase. The aging of the population began to appear, all these to the developing China bring great social medical pressure, aerobic exercise as a chronic disease prevention and recovery for alleviating the important means of social medical treatment of chronic growth with the great impact it has important role. This paper mainly through the aerobic exercise for chronic epidemiology actual sexual function, as well as prevention and recovery of aerobic exercise in total are analyzed, and the development in China in aerobic exercise for the role of chronic diseases prevention and rehabilitation and development direction to provide the theory basis and the suggestion.
This paper mainly through literature method and expert interview method, managed to elaborate aerobic exercise of chronic disease prevention and rehabilitation of positive and pivotal role. The public can through the form of aerobic exercise, reduce the risk of chronic disease, reduce chronic disease to the harm of the body. Countries of aerobic exercise by means of scientific and popularization of masses, makes a positive science aerobic exercise the master, to effectively prevent chronic diseases, from the source in medical pressure, reduce and obtain the double benefit body-building.
再問: 大哥。你糊弄我啊?說google粗糙,,有道不粗糙嗎?鬱悶。。。。我是沒財富啊。有了指定給你們。
再答: 哈,不好意思,時間緊迫唯有用有道啦。
再問: 哎。我要是看沒人回答,就採納你的得了。我還得去麻煩別人。
再答: 夥計,我建議你一句一句的提問,這樣好一些。一般我看見較短的提問才會人工翻譯的,長編大論就用有道,省時間嘛,人之常情。
再問: 下面那位逗我玩呢。。。他採納了你的建議- -。給我分開翻譯了。。我想我智商沒那麼低吧?一個西瓜是西瓜,切開了我就不認識了?還是採納你的算了,大家這麼熱情,不採納不厚道。謝過大家了!!