This was a fairly enjoyable animated film from Disney/Pixar.there's some funny moments here and there.it's touching without being too maudlin or sentimental.there certainly is a fair amount of action as well.the story is also good.there a few scenes of minor peril which might be a bit too much for younger children,and the movie fleetingly touches upon a sad topic.for the most part,i enjoyed the movie.i did think however,there were a few scenes that were probably intended to be funny,but came across flat and pointless in my mind.all in all,pretty good effort,just not as good as i hoped or thought it would be
7點30了不知道幫的上忙嗎 望採納
再問: 可以有翻譯嗎?還好來得及。我媽媽延長了點時間
再答: 去有道翻譯= =有些翻譯不對,不過意思大概就是那樣
再問: 你不能給我一下翻譯嗎...求你了
- 上一篇 與其 還不如 造句
- 下一篇 關於辛棄疾的三首詞?