Why do the man and the dog get on the bus?A.It's a rainy day


Why do the man and the dog get on the bus?A.It's a rainy day.B.The dog can sit.
A worman with a dog getson the bus,It is a big dog and its feet are not clean.
"I don't want the dog to sit beside me." But the wormwn says to the conductor,"Oh,I pay for my dog,Can he sit here like the other people?"
The conductor looks at the dog and says,"Yes,madam.But like the other people,he must not put his feet on chair."
Why do the man and the dog get on the bus?
A.It's a rainy day.B.The dog can sit.
The conductor's words mean _____
A.The dog can't sit on the chair B.The dog must like a man


售票員看著狗說,「是的,女士.但是它得像其他人一樣,他不能把腳放在椅子上.」 第一個問根據its feet are not clean(它的腳不乾淨)知外面在下雨,故選A第二個問選A

