



親! 這篇演講稿是關注勇氣!你可以很好的引出題目,引出你的演講內容! 站在台上需要勇氣,所以你的演講題目是—concentrate on courage 不能瞞你說,但是我用這篇演講稿,得了我們學院英語演講比賽的第一名,但願你也能出色的表現 Concentrate on Courage Courage is the backbone of man. The man with courage has persistence. He states what he believes and puts it into execution. The courageous man has confidence. He draws to himself all the moral qualities and mental forces which go to make up a strong man. Whereas, the man without courage draws to himself all the qualities of a weak man, vacillation, doubt, hesitancy, and unsteadiness of purpose. You can therefore see the value of concentration on courage. It is a most vital element of success. The lack of courage creates financial, as well as mental and moral difficulties. When a new problem comes, instead of looking upon it as something to be achieved, the man or woman without courage looks for reason why it cannot be done and failure is naturally the most inevitable result. This is a subject well worth of your study. Look upon everything within you power as a possibility instead of as merely a probability and you will accomplish a great deal more, because by considering a thing as impossible, you immediately draw to yourself all the element that contribute to failure. Lack of courage destroys your confidence in yourself. It destroy that forceful, resolute, attitude so important to success What is courage? It is the will to do. It take no more energy to be courageous than to be cowardly. It is the matter of the right training in the right way. Courage concentrates the mental forces on the task at hand. It then directs them thoughtfully, steadily, deliberately, while attracting all the forces of success, toward the desired end. As we are creatures of habits, we should avoid persons that lack courage. They are easy to discover because of their habits of fear in attacking new problems. If any fear-thought come to you cast them off as you would the deadly viper. Form the habit of never thinking of anything unfavorable to yourself or anyone else. Remember, you as master of your mind control its very thought, and here is a good one to often affirm, 「I have courage because I desire it; because I need it; because I use it and because I refuse to become such a weakling as cowardice produces.」 對了,親!還給你附上漢語對譯! 希望你能取的好成績哦! 關注勇氣 勇氣是一個人的脊樑.有勇氣的人做事情從不會半途而廢.他們對自己的言行充滿了自信,並盡全力將既定目標轉化爲現實.同樣,有勇氣的人做事往往信心百倍.他們懂得如何將道德與精神力量融合在一起,使自己成爲一個頂天立地的人.相反,沒有勇氣的人終將成爲一個懦夫.他們遇事優柔寡斷、顧慮重重,因而通常無法按照既定目標前行.由此可以看出勇氣對人所產生的作用——它是決定你能否成功的重大因素. 缺乏勇氣的人不僅會在財務上出現問題,他們在精神和道德上都會出現問題.當他們遇到新問題時,首先想到的往往並不是如何才能獲得成功,而是去想自己爲什麼不能獲得成功,甚至認爲失敗是必然的結果.這一點尤其值得大家注意:一定要以積極的態度對待所有事物,要喚醒自身潛能,抱著必勝的態度去做事,那麼你一定能夠獲得成功.一旦積極的思想充斥在你的大腦中,那麼你就能夠從消極思想中擺脫出來.要知道,缺乏勇氣會破壞人的自信,甚至使我們失去力量和信心,而這幾點恰恰是獲得成功不可或缺的重要因素. 什麼是勇氣?就是去想完成某事的意願.它可以使人們將全部精力集中在如何獲得成功上,再不再怯懦.充滿勇氣的人會使自己走上正確的道路.充滿勇氣可以使我們將注意力集中在手邊的工作上.它能夠使我們在做事時更認真、更仔細,目的性也更強.只要能夠做到這一點,那麼你就能夠擁有獲得成功的力量. 除此之外,我們還應該避免與那些缺乏勇氣的人接觸.我們很容易在生活中察覺到這類人,因爲他們常因爲怯懦而不斷遭遇新問題. 如果恐懼感向你襲來,你必須像躲避毒蛇一樣避開它.通過這種方式,你可以逐漸培養出一種好習慣:再不被任何人任何事所困擾.要時刻牢記,你是自己思想的主人,除了你沒有人能夠控制你的思想.你要不斷對自己說:「我勇氣十足!因爲我擁有強烈的欲望,我需要實現這個目標,因爲我不想成爲膽小鬼!」

