

東西方文化是兩種不同類型的文化.東西方在生活環境、風俗習慣、宗教信仰以及人們的價值體系等方面存在著很大的差異,從而形成了各自獨特的文化.許多學者在東西方文化比較方面做了大量的研究工作,他們的研究成果對我們研究英漢習語的翻譯工作很英漢習語中反映的文化差異 有啓迪.總的來說,中國文化是一種以人爲本的人倫文化,而西方文化則是重物輕人,唯物文化.比較和研究英漢習語,可以使我們了解兩種文化的不同.
1、 生活環境對習語的影響
許多習語都與人們的生產勞動和日常生活息息相關,而中英兩國的地理位置和人們的生活環境差異很大,這在各自所產生的習語中有所體現.英國是一個沿海島國,航海業自古以來是其經濟發展的命脈,所以形成了很多源於航海或與海洋有關的習語,如all at sea (不知所措),to keep one's?head above water (奮力圖存)等.而中國是個內陸國家,以農業爲主,人們在土地上世代繁衍生息,因此漢語中產生了很多與農耕有關的習語,如五穀豐登、良莠不齊、揠苗助長、根深蒂固、滄海桑田、依葫蘆畫瓢等.漢語裡形容人揮霍浪費,用的是 「揮金如土」,而英語用的卻是 「spend money like water」,由此可見生活環境的不同對習語的形成影響很大.


Eastern and Western culture are two different types of culture. East and West in the living environment, customs, religion and people's value system, and so there is a considerable difference, thus forming their own unique culture. Many scholars compare Eastern and Western cultures have done a lot of research work, their research findings on our study of English and translation work is reflected in English and revealing cultural differences. Generally speaking, Chinese culture is a people-oriented human relations culture, Western culture is the light weight people, materialistic culture. Comparison and study English and could help us understand the two cultures are different.
1, living environment, the impact of idioms
Many idioms are related to people's production work and daily lives, and in Britain the location and living environment very different people, which is generated by the respective reflected in idioms. Britain is a coastal island, the maritime industry since ancient times is the lifeblood of its economy, so many from the navigation or the formation of ocean-related idioms, such as all at sea (a loss), to keep one's? Head above water ( struggling for existence) and so on. China is a landlocked country dominated by agriculture, people thrive on the land for generations, it generated a lot of Chinese and farming-related idioms, such as the bumper grain harvest, good and bad, Yamiaozhuchang, deep, gloomy, 依葫蘆畫瓢 and so on. Chinese, who described the lavish, with the "big spenders", while English is used to "spend money like water", we can see the different living environment, a great influence on the formation of idioms.
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