英語翻譯從傳統的經濟 政治體制向社會主義市場經濟 政治體制的轉型是當今中國最重要的轉型,這種經濟 政治體制轉型的順利進行


從傳統的經濟 政治體制向社會主義市場經濟 政治體制的轉型是當今中國最重要的轉型,這種經濟 政治體制轉型的順利進行,加速了中國的現代化進程,促進了中國從傳統社會向現代社會的轉型.轉型期的中國在經濟增長、人民生活水平提高、綜合國力增強等方面都取得了舉世矚目的成就,但不容否認的是,在轉型過程中也出現了一些嚴重的社會和政治問題.行政腐敗問題就是轉型期中國所面臨的一個十分突出的問題


It is most important to turn the traditional economical and political system to socialism market economy.The smooth progress of economical and political system transformation increases the progress of China's modernization and accelerate the transformation which turns China from traditional to modern society.During the period of transformation ,China has achieved the outstanding goals in economy increasing,improving the living standard of people and general country power enhancing.But we should not deny that it has occured serious social and political problems during the transformation.Political bribery is a serious problem that China has to face during the transformation.
Political is not the product of Chinese society during the tranformation period.Although it has its own characteristics of the times especiallly during our country's transformation and it has been pointed that it is not available to restrict power by power in a short time in our country's special circumstances.So it is key to value the enhancement of restriction to power by society in order to restrict power corruption.

