用什麼東西來形容美國文化會比較貼切呢?(English only)
用什麼東西來形容美國文化會比較貼切呢?(English only)
一種是salad bowl,一種是meltling pot,希望大家再幫我想出一種形容美國文化的事物,要用英語哦!
大家可能沒看懂。老師給了我們一篇文章,關於美國文化的。一種觀點認爲美國文化是salad bowl:相互存在,但又有一定獨立性。人們一起工作生活,但回到家就加入了屬於自己的ethnic culture,使得各種文化在美國存在著。一種是melting pot:如同燉菜一樣,越燉越香,各種文化越戰獻出自己的長處,並融合爲一種美國大文化。要求再想一種比喻方式
The American culture is like open source community.It is different from traditional close software,which is only developped by one company.The open source community consists of many many developpers from differnt countries,and produces various flexible and wonderful softwares.The American culture is such a thing,formed by various cultures.Different immigrants from different countries have their unique culture,but form a new complicated and united American culture.Compared to close software,the American culture is not developped by only one group of people.