新加坡介紹 英漢結合緊急!英漢結合!
新加坡介紹 英漢結合
Though physically small, Singapore is an economic giant. It has been Southeast Asia's most modern city for over a century. The city blends Malay, Chinese, Arab, Indian and English cultures and religions. Its unique ethnic tapestry affords visitors a wide array of sightseeing and culinary opportunities from which to choose. A full calendar of traditional festivals and holidays celebrated throughout the year adds to its cultural appeal. In addition, Singapore offers luxury hotels, delectable cuisine and great shopping! The island nation of the Republic of Singapore lies one degree north of the Equator in Southern Asia. The country includes the island of Singapore and 58 or so smaller islands. Because of its efficient and determined government, Singapore has become a flourishing country that excels in trade and tourism and is a model to developing nations. The capital city, also called Singapore, covers about a third of the area of the main island.
Located at the tip of the Malay Peninsula, Singapore's tropical climate welcomes both leisure and business travelers year round. The island republic's excellent infrastructure enables visitors to enjoy its many sites and attractions in a safe, clean and green environment. Award winning Changi Airport provides airlinks to major cities around the world. The train and subway systems are clean, fast and efficient. In addition, its state-of-the-art cruise terminal has established Singapore as one of the premier cruising centers of South East Asia and an exciting port of call on any Asian cruise itinerary.
In the city, there is no need for a car. Public transportation is excellent and walking is a good way to explore the city . All major attractions are also accessible by tour bus. Since the city is only 60 miles (100k) from the equator, the tropical temperatures do not vary much. Rainfall is fairly evenly distributed through the year. No matter when you choose to visit, warm weather will be abundantly available. The visitor is struck immediately by Singapore's abundance of parks, nature reserves, and lush, tropical greenery.
Singapore's progress over the past three decades has been remarkable, yet the island has not been overwhelmed by development. Visitors will discover a wealth of historical treasures from the past, in the beauty of older buildings, values and traditions that have survived in the face of profound social and geographical change.
Lacking any noteworthy natural resources, Singapore's early prosperity was based on a vigorous free trade policy, put in place in 1819 when Sir Stamford Raffles first established it as a British trading post. Later, mass industrialization bolstered the economy, and today the state boasts the world's second busiest port after Rotterdam, minimal unemployment, and a super efficient infrastructure. Almost the entire population lives in upscale new apartments, and the average per capita income is over US$12,000. Singapore is a clean, safe place to visit, its amenities are second to none and its public places are smoke-free and hygienic.
Forming the core of downtown Singapore is the Colonial District. Each surrounding enclave has its own distinct flavor, from the aromatic spice stores of Little India, to the tumbledown backstreets of Chinatown, where it is still possible to find calligraphers and fortune tellers, or the Arab Quarter, whose cluttered stores sell fine cloths and silks.
North of the city, are two nature preserves, Bukit Timah and the Central Catchment Area, along with the splendid Singapore Zoological Gardens. The east coast features good seafood restaurants set on long stretches of sandy beach. In addition there are over fifty islands and islets within Singaporean waters, all of which can be reached with varying degrees of ease. Day trips are popular to Sentosa, the island amusement arcade which is linked to the south coast by a short causeway and cable car. Music, theater, nightlife: all are abundant in this remarkable city. Singapore used to be considered a "stop over" on the way to larger Asian cities. This is no longer true! Visitors seek out Singapore for business and finance and also for a fascinating and satisfying vacation for the whole family.
Singapore is both an island and a country, but perhaps its best description is that of city-state. Like the great city-states of the past, it offers civilization and order in the highest degree. Its combination of Western-style development and Eastern-style calm seems to present the best of both hemispheres: It's a modern metropolis where you feel safe walking the streets, and it's an Asian business center that's a model of efficiency. Singapore is also a multicultural city, and close to one-quarter of its population are expatriates or foreign workers from all over the world. Known for its desire to become the technology hub of Asia, Singapore is the most wired country in the region.
Singapore shares another trait with historical city-states: Its authorities strongly believe that they can safeguard the status quo with regulations against almost anything and everything that - in their view - could possibly upset the sense of tranquility. In reality, visitors will find the place is not as restrictive as the long lists of hefty fines for such things as littering and jaywalking suggest. Some visitors to Singapore leave singing the praises of a society that "works," while others feel the government's near-compulsive fixation on cleanliness and order makes Singapore sterile in every sense of the word.
新加坡目前大約有 400 萬人口,其中 77% 是華人, 14% 是馬來人, 8% 是印度人, 1% 是歐亞混血人種和其他民族.各個種族在融入新加坡這個整體的同時也保持了自己的文化.
新加坡的氣溫變化不大,降雨量充足,空氣溼度高,氣候溫暖而潮溼,年平均溫度在 23 和 31 攝氏度之間,溫差很小, 一年四季都是旅遊季節.
新加坡元,一般記成 S$ ,和人民幣的比率一般爲 1 新幣 :4.9 人民幣.
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新加坡的電壓爲 230V , 50Hz .幾乎所有的酒店店都有變壓器出租服務.
1 .遊客在新加坡必須隨時注意保持環境衛生,隨地吐痰、棄物可能要被罰款達 1000 新元.
2 .新加坡主張禁菸,在公共汽車、劇場、影院、餐館和裝有空調的商店、政府機關辦公室等禁菸區吸菸,要被罰款 500 元.
3 .在新加坡,行人須走人行道和人行橫道,翻越欄杆罰款 50 元,如果 50 米內無人行橫道,要從交通指示燈下橫越馬路.
4 .使用公廁後主動抽水沖洗,否則被認爲是違法,一旦罪名成立將被罰款,最高罰款額將達 500 元.
5 .賭博禁令:根據新加坡政府有關規定,除慈善機構的摸彩、 TOTO 、新加坡 SWEEP 彩券和通過武吉灣俱樂部經手的賽馬賭注外,其他任何形式的賭博活動都是被禁止的.
新加坡是一個熱帶島國,位於赤道以北 136.8 公里.它由一個本島和 63 個小島組成,總面積爲 682 平方公里.新加坡本島由東到西約 42 公里,由南到北約 23 公里,本島以外的其餘島嶼,較大的有德光島,烏敏島和聖淘沙島.
魚尾獅公園( MERLION )新加坡著名的魚尾獅像就坐落於新加坡河畔,是新加坡的標誌和象徵.該塑像高 8 米,重 40 噸,獅子口中噴出一股清水,是由雕刻家林南先生和他的兩個孩子於 1972 年共同雕塑的.
據古書記載,古時新加坡叫做淡馬錫,在爪哇語中爲海城之意.公園 14 世紀時,傳說有一個古印尼的王子發現了這座小島,他在這裡看見一頭神奇的野獸,後來得知是頭獅子.就此,王子就將這座小島命名爲「 Singapura 」--在梵文里的意思是獅子 (Singa) 城 (pura) .
·花柏山( MOUNT FABER )·
花柏山是新加坡市中心地帶的制高點, 登臨山頂,舉目四望,新加坡全景和港口的美麗景觀,可以盡入眼底.花柏頂是公園內最高處,站在這裡能夠鳥瞰港口、聖淘沙島和其它南部島嶼,還有一座小魚尾獅可以讓您一親芳澤.夜幕降臨後,也可在此欣賞燈火輝煌的城市夜景.頂上花壇里有一棵雨樹,是 1971 年 11 月 7 日的首屆植樹日種下的,沿著這棵樹是一個花木圍繞的多層平台,平台地面上特別設計朝有不同方向的箭頭,告訴遊客所指的地方與名勝地點.而在瞭望台樓下的 16 幅壁畫也讓遊客了解新加坡的歷史和發展概況.
·聖淘沙島( SENTOSA )·
這個充滿熱帶風情的小島,占地面積 390 公頃,距新加坡本島南部僅半公里,由一座陸橋與本島連接起來;以前曾被用作英軍的堡壘和基地,後發展成爲著名的度假旅遊島.「聖淘沙」取自馬來文「和平安寧」的意思,多年來一直被世界各地觀光客視爲最佳度假旅遊勝地.
島上豐富多彩的節目,集大自然、歷史、娛樂於一體,一定讓您流連忘返!您不僅可以乘坐環島單軌列車行駛於海灘椰林之間,慢慢欣賞亞洲大陸最南端的美麗風景,還可以通過蜿蜒的亞熱帶雨林區,一睹長尾獼猴采椰子的畫面.蝴蝶園內有 50 多種約 2500 只蝴蝶,世界昆蟲館中有千足蟲、多毛毒蜘蛛、獨角仙和許多其它昆蟲.海底世界裡還有亞洲最精彩的熱帶魚水族館.而入夜時分,一場集高科技和藝術爲一體的音樂噴泉,將燈光、雷射、色彩和音樂融合起來,肯定讓您久久難忘!
·駁船碼頭/克拉碼頭( BOAT QUAY / CLARKE QUAY )·
以前,這裡是商人用小船卸貨的地方,而現在,船上搭載的都是遊客. 同樣,新加坡河岸邊的倉庫、貨棧和商店也都已經改頭換面,重新裝修成餐廳、酒吧和娛樂中心了.
駁船碼頭和克拉碼頭現在是新加坡市區最熱鬧的娛樂場所之一.在駁船碼頭至少有 35 家酒吧和餐廳,是沿河最具吸引力的露天就餐場所.
而在上游的克拉碼頭則是購物、就餐、娛樂的天堂,原先的 60 家倉庫和商店已發展成 200 家商店、餐廳、酒吧和娛樂場所,到處都充滿了節日的氣氛,肯定讓你流連忘返.
·牛車水( CHINATOWN )·
牛車水的史密絲街更是一條著名的露天美食街,在這裡可以找到最美味的本地小食.您不妨試試這裡的炒粿條、蘿蔔糕、 Rojak (沾甜漿及碎花生的沙粒)等當地小食.
·甘榜格南( KAMPONG GLAM )·
擁有 100 多年歷史的蘇丹回教堂,金色的大圓頂,巨大的祈禱堂,無疑是新加坡的一大建築標誌.這座國家古蹟,外表莊重,融合了波斯、土耳其與古典馬來建築風格.每天從日出時分至日落,教徒們都要有 5 次禱告儀式.您參觀時,注意一定要穿長褲,否則的話就會被拒之門外哦!
小印度是新加坡印度族羣的聚集地,猶如印度的縮影.一進入小印度,一股濃烈的辣椒氣味就會撲面而來.商店裡陳列著銀器、銅器、具有民族特色的珠寶、茉莉花環和絲製莎麗 … 極具民族風味.
這個有 140 多年歷史的植物園,是熱帶島國的一個縮影.園內有天然原始森林和特色花園.植物資源豐富,品種多樣,包括多種珍稀植物.
園內有一個胡姬園(蘭花展示中心),有 60000 多株蘭花在內展示,其中包都有遠近馳名的新加坡國花 -- 卓錦萬代蘭.設計概念以四季爲主,分春夏秋冬,各種景色.裡面的貴賓胡姬花園,種滿外國政要和名人到訪新加坡時,以他們的名字來命名的胡姬花.
園區內也還特地保留一片原始森林,占地 4 公頃,對沒有機會穿越深山野嶺的都市人而言,是個認識自然和探險的好地方.
這裡曾是保護新加坡港的要塞,始建於 1859 年,現在成爲市區內的一個公園.園區內有可追溯至 14 世紀以來的新加坡歷史文物,以及史丹福萊佛士爵士的私邸、新加坡最早的政府大樓等遺址.
園內還有個著名的香料園,是仿造萊佛士於 1822 年修建的新加坡第一個實驗性的植物園.
裕廊飛禽公園是全球最大的鳥類動物園之一,園內有 600 多種、 8000 多隻各色飛禽,是集教育性與娛樂性於一體的地方.遊客可以近距離觀察鳥類的生活,還能觀賞到精彩的鳥類表演,肯定令你捧腹大笑.
公園內的企鵝館模擬南極洲環境,育有 5 大類 200 多隻企鵝和 50 多隻其它海鳥,是世界上爲數不多的極地鳥類養殖區.
這裡還有全球最大的東南亞鳥舍,分成 24 個小鳥舍和一個可以步行入內的鳥舍,內有 100 多種熱帶雨林東南亞鳥類.每天中午,鳥舍內模仿熱帶的暴雨天氣,爲鳥兒創造出赤道地區的自然棲息環境.