



America is a nation of immigrants,its ancestors from global all over the country.People moved to the us,not only geographically move it,but also their country's appraisal and customs to bring new residence.Because of their respective differences miscellaneous,people is very outstanding,For the discrepancy is widespread,people would not have paid special attention to unity.As time passes,American culture custom formed higher degree of tolerance),are (of heterogeneous culture and different appraisal hold tolerance,acceptable attitude.At this point,American society feasible custom to more than any other country in the world of illnesses.
From the political point,this are manifested in their pursuit of freedom and rights to freedom of maintenance.From religion,it is embodied in different beliefs harmonious coexistence.From life scope to see,it appeared in different and clan,different ethnic community peace get along.Summed up,in the United States,everyone basically can choose any different ideas,beliefs,lifestyle and traditional habit.People can also in a considerable degree,keep their customs and apparatus.For example,jews to celebrate their religious festival,and christians are able to their Christmas and Easter.Again,for instance,the Chinese can in Chinatown in Chinese life and work,By the same token,Vietnamese migrants could in their "little Saigon" according to Vietnam way business engaged in all kinds of activities.
American's tolerance of sex,in addition to the above the United States is an immigrant country this factor,but also with the American people "about the frequent migration.It is well known,the American historical development is an important part of her western KaiFaShi.Then,the American settlers or trek,riding in chariots,from the east side to the west side,from the south to the north,where there is opportunity,they came there emigrant.Frequent migration and constantly change dwellings make people is always in the "flow" condition,to temporarily faces all sorts of different phenomenon more easily tolerance and acceptance.In addition,still can help people often migrate enlarge my horizons,know more know broadly,the different customs hold sympathy,understanding,and gradually formed a diversity is better than the openness of the oneness of concept.
Since americans are very strong,so few americans imposed our will on other people,and the Chinese Confucius "others as you would be done by" value is very resembles.For example,the husband may be a republican,but he never persecute his pro-democracy wife change political stance.Similarly,mother may be a Catholic,but she never forced her that was converted to change into a Muslim son of religious beliefs.In the daily habits peace transaction processing,this kind of tolerant spirit but also common occurance,commonplace.

