



Cross stitch like, embarrassed to ask for, had no choice but to take up their own embroidery. 誰知竟一發不可收拾,狂迷起十字繡來. But who would have thought was out of control, crazy fans starting to Cross stitch. 只要有空,一繡四、五個小時不帶停的. As long time, a four-embroidered, a five-hour non-stop. 什麼看電視,玩電腦,還有我最喜歡的打桌球,統統擱一邊去. What is watching TV, playing computer, and my favorite to play table tennis, all put to one side. 如果不是腰酸,脖子疼,眼睛朦朧,不吃飯不睡覺的勁頭我都有. If the acid is not a waist, neck pain, his eyes dim, do not eat, I do not have the strength to sleep. (可別以爲我誇張啊,不信你也繡一個試試,保准比我還迷!)細細想來,繡十字繡可是好處多多呢. (Do not think I could be exaggerating ah, you do not believe in an embroidered try, Baozhun fan than I am!) Want to detail, embroidered Cross stitch, but it benefits a lot.
一、可以打發無聊的時間和填補空虛的心靈,讓生活充實有情趣. I can be bored to pass the time and fill the emptiness of heart, so full of life have fun.
二、可以修身養性,緩解暴戾的情緒,平和你的心態. Second, can be self-cultivation, to ease the violent emotions and calm your mind.
三、能夠鍛鍊手指靈活性,從而強健大腦. Third, be able to exercise flexibility of the fingers, so the brain strong. 像我這歲數,就不要求變得多聰明了,至少可以不得老年癡呆了. I like this age, no request has become more clever, not the least of Alzheimer's. (我怎麼能這麼說呢,按國際標準,我還算小青年呢!) (How can I say so, in accordance with international standards, I am still young so small!)
四、不再在乎老公臉色,你煩你的,我繡我的. Fourth, no longer care about her husband face, do you bother you, and I embroidered my. 兩耳不問身旁事,一心撲在繡品上. Do not ask next two ears, one in the head-on embroidery.
五、不在有閒心去關注老公那渾身毛病有多惹人厭,閉口不語換安寧. V. Xianxin not have to be concerned that her husband Re Renyan more problems, not the phrase word-for-peace.
六、心靜自然面色柔,老公越看越像真女人. Sixth, looking calm naturally soft, and her husband made him look like a real woman. 「嗯,不錯.這才是你的老本行,出去跑跑顛顛像什麼老婆.」角色分工更明確了. "Ah, yes. This is your profession, be on the go out like what my wife." Division of roles more clearly defined.
七、繡品能充分讓你體驗成功的喜悅和驕傲,你會不斷的自詡:沒想到我還這麼心靈手巧,「我簡直太有才了!」我真佩服我自己! Seven or embroidery so that you can fully experience the joy and pride, you will continue to the claim: I did not expect such ingenuity, "I am simply too talented!" I really admire my own!
八、稍不注意,你一下冒了尖,被人看中繡品,那你可發了大財. Eight, a little attention, you have to take a sharp look, was chosen embroidery, you can made a big profit. 你聽沒聽說過:成本不足三百的「長城」,購價是一萬兩千元! Listen heard of: the cost of less than three hundred of the "Great Wall", is the purchase price of 12,000 yuan!
九、即使無人來購買,還可懸掛自己家中. Nine, even if no one to buy, but also to fly their own home. 既省了裝修開支,又可向客人炫耀. Is both a decoration expenses, but also to show off to guests. 你想想,買的哪能與自己繡的同日而語. Just think, how can buy and own embroidery of the same language.
十、即使水平太差,也沒關係,掛在門口還能嚇走壞人呢! 10, even if the level of bad, it does not matter, and hung on the door to scare away the bad guys can do! (熊孩子,你怎麼能這麼評價老媽的作品呢!) (Bear children, so you can evaluate how the mother does works.

