托福作文批改Do you agree or disagree with the following statement.
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement.
The ability to adapt to new work environment is as important as a high degree of excellent knowledge for the job.
When you doing a job, there must be a large amount of difficulties you have to overcome. One of these difficulties is the change of working environment. Therefore, the ability is actually an important skill that can help you become successful. But, compare with the excellent knowledge on work, the ability of adapt the working environment might be less essential. Because if someone has no knowledge for the job, even he can adapt his environment, he can’t do his job well. In addition, the knowledge can help you adapt the environment.
First of all, please imagine the following situation, someone who has good ability of adaption. After he adapted his new environment, what’s the next step? All right, he has to work. So, if he doesn’t have knowledge for his job, he can’t accomplish his work. On this event, we can see that doing work may little influence by the ability of adaption. The knowledge and experience of work are the most essential factor to become successful on your work.
The second reason, I consider that, the knowledge for the work can help workers adapt their environment easier. Why? That’s because they are effective on their works. So they can save a lot of time. Whereas they are not good at adapting the change of their environment, they can save a lot of time to do the adaption. On the contrary, those people who are originally have great ability of adaption, after they finished their adaption quickly, what should they do? They must earn knowledge. So it is absolutely that learning something must be more difficult than adapting new environment.
In a nut shell, even the adapting skill is significant, the knowledge of work is much more essential. Before thinking how to adapt your working environment, becoming knowledgeable is more important. This is the first step to become successful on work~
既然以上出現了這些問題,我就假設你沒有限時寫的這個.注意考試時和你真實能寫的字數會有差別.【請限時喲~】←我只考了兩次,獨立寫作一個是688字一個是702字,在家是700字左右,算是比較穩定.同城一個變態寫到800+的字數. 當然不是說字多多益善,但是不要像你的這麼少會比較好(重申下我用灰色刪過了).
再問: 謝謝啦~