英語翻譯[摘 要]2003年11月4日,TCL集團和法國湯姆遜公司正式簽訂協議,重組雙方的彩電和DVD業務,組建全球最大


[摘 要]2003年11月4日,TCL集團和法國湯姆遜公司正式簽訂協議,重組雙方的彩電和DVD業務,組建全球最大的彩電供應商――TCL湯姆遜電子公司,即 TTE公司.在這個合資公司中,TCL與法國湯姆遜共同出資4.7億歐元,其中湯姆遜出資1.551億歐元持有33%的股份,TCL出資3.149億歐元 占67%的股份,這是我國企業第一次兼併世界500強企業.然而由於企業本身 的能力問題、對併購後整合過程的複雜性和困難預計不足等原因,TCL集團的經營績效在併購後大幅下滑,虧損數額巨大,分析其國際化進程失 誤的原因對中國志在「走出去」的大型製造企業會有所鑑戒.
  [關鍵詞] 跨國併購;TCL公司;國際化;整合


TCL Group and Tomson company in France signed a formal agreement on Nov.4,2003 to reorganize both the TV and DVD business and set up the world's largest supplier of TCL color television -- Tomson Electronics Corporation,i.e.,TTE company.The joint contribution of TCL and the French Tomson is 0.47 billion Euro in this co-partnership company,where the contribution of Tomson is 0.1551 billion Euro for 33% shares and TCL is 0.3149 billion Euro for 67% shares.This is the first merging for Chinese enterprise to annex a foreign enterprise which is among the world 500 strong enterprises.However,the limited ability of the enterprise,as well as the insufficient prediction on the complexity and difficulty of Integration after the merger process resulted in sharp decline and enormous losses of operating performance.Analyzing the failure of its international process will be helpful for those large scale manufacturers planning to "go abroad" .

