Henry David Thoreau 人物介紹


Henry David Thoreau 人物介紹


Henry David Thoreau was a complex man of many talents who worked hard to shape his craft and his life,seeing little difference between them.Born in 1817,one of his first memories was of staying awake at night "looking through the stars to see if I could see God behind them." One might say he never stopped looking into nature for ultimate Truth.
Henry grew up very close to his older brother John,who taught school to help pay for Henry's tuition at Harvard.While there,Henry read a small book by his Concord neighbor,Ralph Waldo Emerson,Nature,and in a sense he never finished exploring its ideas -- although always definitely on his own terms,just as he explored everything!He and his brother taught school for a while but in 1842,John cut himself while shaving and died of lockjaw in his brother's arms,an untimely death which traumatized the 25 year old Henry.He worked for several years as a surveyor and making pencils with his father,but at the age of 28 in 1845,wanting to write his first book,he went to Walden pond and built his cabin on land owned by Emerson
While at Walden,Thoreau did an incredible amount of reading and writing,yet he also spent much time "sauntering" in nature.He gave a lecture and wa

