



寫周記、日記是提高英語運用能力,開發學習動力和潛力的最好手段.俗話說「書到用時方恨少」,只有不斷的使用英語,才知道不足,才會刺激我們有意識地從閱讀中留心積累,反過來也激發我們閱讀的動機.學英語的最終目的就是應用和交際.寫作也最能反應學生的語言基本功和運用技能.高考書面表達比重不輕,要想得高分,主要靠平時多寫來提高語言的熟練程度和表達技巧.寫周記和日記的另一個好處是,學生可以記載自己親身所見所聞,有感而發,不受約束,自由發揮.它是一種主動、自覺和創造性的學習和實踐行爲,不是在老師操控下的被動、機械和單調的應付.詞數可長可短,五句、十句、或更長,根據自己的水平循序漸進,逐漸寫長寫難到寫好.堅持做下去,可以形成良好的英語思維習慣和語言表達的靈活性.語言專家們一致認爲,一個經常用英語進行思維和表達(書面和口頭)的人,他的學習興趣高、動力足、進步就快.筆者認爲,英語寫作最大問題並不是語言障礙,而是心理障礙.很多學生容易把英語寫作看得過於高難,像要寫論文做翻譯似的,總認爲自己詞彙量不夠,沒有開始自己心理就被嚇到.其實是沒有靜心,懶於動腦經.英語寫作不像漢語作文,要求那麼深刻、精彩;也不是做翻譯,那麼一字一句轉換.它只是簡單的記敘而已.只要掌握了一定的詞彙量和基本語法,靜下心來,開個頭,你就會上路.克服語言表達障礙的關鍵是:不要總是試圖先想好一個漢語意思,再來用英語翻譯它;更不要養成「逐字對號」的思維模式.很多漢語看上去很複雜的內容,可以用很簡單形象的英語來表達.要用熟悉的英語靈活機動,不要生造.比如,漢語「開水壺響了」,語言不熟練不靈活的同學往往字字對應:開水---boiling water, 壺---kettle, 響?一時拿不準用什麼動詞.最後可能是一句很不地道的 the boiling water kettle is sounding 或什麼的.其實寫成 the kettle is singing 又地道,又簡單,又形象.這種看似簡單的功夫是要經過大量實踐才能達到的.最後是寫什麼的問題了.學校生活這麼豐富多彩,放眼望去這麼多的人和事.只要想寫,有你寫不完的.實在不知寫什麼,你可以描繪你班任何一個同學和老師,學校任何一處景物等等.More than two weeks ago, our class failed to enter the final chorus singing contest in memory of 12.9 Movement, which made my students quite sad. Actually there is nothing serious about failure, as it goes that "Victory and failure are common things among soldiers". While we were watching the final performance, we found that the winning teams were just so so. They won just because they sang louder, and the songs were easier for them to keep together. We failed because we set too high a standard for ourselves. The songs we chose were a little more difficult, and we tried to be prefect by adding too many techniques, such as varing our movements and standing position on the stage while we were singing, which we didn't have enough time to prepare. If we had had more time to practice, to familiar ourselves with the change of movements and position, we would have been much better. If we have another such chance, we shall know what to do. But will there be such chance again?

