

我是初二的,文章最好不要太難,也不要太長只要讀90秒就行了,我是正方的,文章的題目是 watching TV is a waste of time


TV is a simply waste of life.Imagine sitting in a room and staring at a blank wall.After a while you would probably get bored and starting thinking of something to do.
Watching TV has the same (unhealthy) physical effects but it has different mental effects.Television 'de-borifies' you but you gain nothing from it.You could watch an educational program (good ones are rare) but you would still gain less than by reading a book about the subject for the same amount of time.TV stops you thinking about how much older you were when you started watching the program.
As a relaxation method,looking at a blank screen is just as good,at least you could imagine something!
TV is useful for selling stuff (inc.politics) and as a contraceptive,but has few other uses apart from jobs for people who work on the programs or make the sets.A major sporting or live event is probably the best use for TV,but on balance it's an anti-social machine.It's a communication device that encourages people not to communicate.Any country that banned TV would see an instant increase in productivity and probably a decrease in anti-social behaviour.
TV is more addictive than smoking,I know more people that have quit smoking than TV.Most people in poor countries who haven't got one wish they had one.Even I can't resist watching it despite this passionate argument,but sometimes I dream of piling dynamite at the base of every transmitter in Britain and pushing the plunger.
Occassionally there's something interesting on.Simpsons,Futurama,Family Guy,Adult Swim,these all provide much needed laughter and entertainment.Most of TV really is an utter waste of time though,and I couldn't imagine spending more than an hour a day watching it.I also have a terrible habit of losing interest during commercial breaks and going to do something else instead.
Speaking of commercials,tv advertising seems to have really gone downhill.Commercials these days don't even attempt to inform you about the product and instead rely entirely on gimmicks.Not only do you have to watch 5 minutes of advertising for every 10 minutes of programming,the advertising manages to be entirely devoid of content.I'll usually leave the room to get a snack (or give up on watching entirely) after the first 30 seconds of a commercial break since there's nothing there to focus on.Instead of 30 seconds of information on how a product can benefit me,commercials now result to jokes and do their best to stand out by being "different".The primary purpose seems to be get the viewer to watch the ad rather than having the ad say anything useful.I'm having trouble describing the ads because there really is nothing there.They are empty.I can stare at an ad and I am not always sure what it's advertising,and associating the product with interruption of my tv show is not making me want to buy it.Maybe this is how things are sold on tv these days,but I'm starting to have doubts.The shopping channels still seem to have the right idea.The products are questionable at best,but the commercials go to great length to focus on the product and to make the viewer desire it.Lately my buying decisions have been influenced more by internet banner ads (not the punch the monkey style) than they have by tv.
Sorry for going into rant mode a bit,but I think the whole model that TV runs off of is slowly becoming outdated.I would watch a lot more TV if it was a pay per view or monthly ad-free subscription,and I could simply select the shows I want to watch and when.Basically the same type of system as legal music downloads,including the ability to store the show so I don't have to pay multiple times to watch the same episode (assuming a pay per view system).This would also be a terrific way of gauging a show's true popularity.Gems like Family Guy (Family Guy DVD sales are proof the show IS quite popular!) and Futurama would no longer be killed off because of an outdated ratings system and lack of good time slots.

