鄉村醫療衛生條件的建設與完善是國際社會關注的焦點問題之一。加強鄉村衛生人員培訓,對提高鄉村基層衛生機構診療水平和應對突發公共衛生事件能力,改善鄉村人民生活條件,健全和完善鄉村公共衛生體系,具有 重要的作用。近幾年來,中國深入推進鄉村衛生人員培訓工作,鄉村衛生人員服務能力得以提高,推動了農村衛生醫療事業的改革與發展。
Rural medical condition the construction and improvement of the international society is the focus of attention of the problem.Strengthen rural health personnel training,and to improve the level of diagnosis and treatment of health institutions grass-roots level and dealing with public health emergencies,improve the rural people's ability to living conditions,and improve the rural public health system,has the vital role.In recent years,Chinese deepening rural health personnel training work,rural health personnel service ability has been improved,and promote the rural health and medical enterprise reform and development.
Intensive technology lectures,and a warm and friendly interaction exchange make you of Chinese situation and China's rural health care the construction and management of the have a basic understanding of the key,and will introduce to you the African common medical disease diagnosis and treatment,surgical common technologies,gynecology and obstetrics commonly used technology,pediatric critical illness treatment and emergency aid,infectious disease control,Chinese herbal medicine application,etc.
China always value implementation and promote the development of international cooperation ability construction and knowledge sharing,with African countries attached much importance to strengthen the friendly cooperation,and expanding areas of cooperation,rich cooperation way.
再問: 非洲國家是維護世界和平與穩定、促進全球經濟發展的重要力量。中國和非洲雖然相距萬里,但中非之間的友好交往源遠流長, 無論在反抗殖民主義、爭取民族獨立與解放的鬥爭中,還是在建設各自國家、改善人民生活的征程中,中非雙方始終相互同情、相互支持,結下了深厚的友誼。半個多世紀的友好交往與合作,中國和非洲已成爲全天候的好朋友、真誠合作的好夥伴、情同手足的好兄弟, 中非之間全面務實的合作不斷湧現出新的生機與活力。