英語翻譯在中國傳統文化中,綠色有兩重性,它除了表示狹義外,還表示野惡.這是 因爲在人類初始時代以及以 後的漫長生活過程中
在中國傳統文化中,綠色有兩重性,它除了表示狹義外,還表示野惡.這是 因爲在人類初始時代以及以 後的漫長生活過程中,人類藉助綠色保護自己,賴以生存下來;但同時,綠色也保護著人類的天敵及其它猛殘的食人動物.這樣一來,狹義是正義的,如人們泛指聚集山林、劫富濟貧的人爲"綠林好漢";野惡是邪惡,所以舊時也指"綠林"爲占山爲王、攔路搶劫、騷擾百姓的盜匪; 綠色還象徵低賤,如漢朝時的僕役著綠幘,元朝以後凡娼妓都得著綠頭巾,以示地位低下;在漢語裡,「綠」還指「因妻 子的不貞而使丈夫受辱」的意思,妻室有外遇者被稱作「戴綠帽子」,由此,「綠帽子」的惡名約定俗成了,並一直流傳至今,成爲那 些被蒙在鼓裡或默許妻子不貞的男人的代名詞.
西方文化中的綠色(green)象徵意義跟青綠的草木顏色有很大的聯繫,是植物的生命色.但是它也表示幼稚、沒有經 驗,它也象徵妒忌.
藍色(blue)在中國文化中幾乎沒有什麼象徵意義,相對而言,它在西方文 化中的象徵意義稍多一些.阿斯海姆在評析藍色時說:「藍色像水那樣清涼,是陰性或消極的顏色.」它能象徵高貴、高遠、深沉、嚴 厲,它又象徵憂鬱、沮喪,它也象徵猥褻、下流,它還有 突然迅速的意思.
粉紅色(pink)是紅色的一種變異,可以將其視爲紅色的一種應合或復歸.在中國文化中,粉紅色又叫桃 花色.唐代詩人崔護寫下"人面桃花相映紅"的詩句,以桃花與女人相比,究其根由,是女子爲修飾自己而施 用粉紅色胭脂,臉色白中透紅,可與美麗的桃花相比之故.粉紅色(桃色)可以象徵女性,如白居易《長恨歌 》中有:「回眸一笑百媚生,六宮粉黛無顏色」,青年男子把心愛的女子稱爲「紅顏知已」.但是我們也稱男女之間不正當的性關係爲"桃色事件".在西方文化中,粉紅色象徵精華,極致,它又象徵上流社會.
古代黑色爲天玄,原來在中國文化里只有沉重的神祕之感,是一種莊重而嚴肅的色調,它的象徵意義由於 受西方文化的影響而顯得較爲複雜.一方面它象 征嚴肅、正義,如民間傳說中的"黑臉"包公,傳統京劇中的 張飛、李逵等人的黑色臉譜;另一方面它又由於其本身的黑暗無光給人以陰險、毒辣和恐怖的感 覺.而黑色(black)是西方文化中的基本禁忌色,它只體現了西方人精神上的擯棄和厭惡.
In traditional culture in China,the green contain two heavies,it in addition to meaning narrow sense,also mean wild and bad.This is because of after the mankind beginning start ages and with of endless life process in,the mankind ask for help a green protection oneself,rely for existence down;But in the meantime,the green also protects the natural enemy of the mankind and the anthropophagi animal of the other fierce remnants.By so doing,the narrow sense is a justice of,if people indicate generally gathering forest,rob rich artificial"heroes of green woods" of benefit poverty;Wild and bad is improbity,so also point "greenwood" aforetime for have the mountain as king and block the bandit that the road rob,harasses common people; The green still symbolizes lowly,wear green such as the servant of Han dynasty,Yuan Dynasty later ny prostituteses all get green turban to show a position lowly;In the Chinese language,it is still "green" to point the meaning of"because of wife son not but make the husband humiliate",wife's hasing an extramarital affair is called "cuckold son",from here,the bad reputation of"a cuckold husband" was established by usage,and has been spreading up to now,become that some mans' pronouns which is kepted in the dark or connive a wife not .
The plant color of the meaning and green of the green(green) symbol in the western culture contain very great contact,is a vegetative life color.But it also means immature,have no through check,it also symbolizes jealousy.
The blue(blue) almost has no symbol meaning in the Chinese culture,opposite but speech,it the symbol meaning is slightly a little bit many in the western text turn.Mr.at critique blue say:"The blue is like water so fresh and cool,is feminine gender or negative color."It can symbolize nobility,high far,sink deeply,strict and fierce,it again symbolize melancholy,upset,it also symbolizes a coprology,mean,it still has suddenly quick meaning.
The pink(pink) is a kind of variation of red,canning treat it as 1 kind of red should match or return to.In the Chinese culture,the pink calls peach assortment again.Poet in Tang Dynasty protects a poem of writing down"the human face peach blossom reflects mutually red",comparing by the peach blossom and the woman,investigating its basic cause,is a woman for polish oneself but use pink rouge,deeply red can compare with beautiful peach blossom in the facial expression white it past.The pink(illicit love) can symbolize a female,such as the white reside easily 《long hate song 》medium have:"Return to watch on smiling 100 to livinged,six temple well-dressed ladieses have no color",the youth man is called beloved woman "the beauty know already".But we also call the sexual behavior which is falsely of the men and women's is "story of illicit love and sex".In the western culture,the pink symbolizes essence,extreme achievement,it symbolizes upper-class society again.
Ancient times black is a day ,originally in the Chinese culture only have heavy mysterious feeling,is a kind of solemn but serious tone,its symbol meaning because of be subjected to west culture of influence but seem to be more for complications.On the other hand its elephant advertise for seriously,justice,if"black face" in the folk tale wraps Mr.,the piece in the traditional city play fly,Lee 逵 wait for someone of black theatrical mask;On the other hand it again because of it of blackness without give only person with cunning and cruelty with the terrible feeling feel.But the black(black) is the basic taboo color in the western culture,it body now western person discarding of spirit with disgust.